
DBT Support

DBT Support

Several staff members here at FRG are trained in the principles of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy®, first pioneered by Marsha Linehan.   While we don’t have ongoing DBT groups currently here at FRG, if you are in a DBT group or interested in the principles, a therapist schooled in those principle is essential.  They can weave the DBT principles into your blend of services or lead a pure, classic DBT support session.

DBT is a method of therapy that addresses 4 main areas:

  • Mindfulness
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness
  • Distress Tolerance
  • Emotional Regulation

DBT offers a wealth of tools to help our clients move from unconscious to more aware behavior states.  It advocates slowing, awareness and more conscious choice, holding opposite ideas and complex thoughts.

One mention:  Doing DBT well requires concentrated, sustained effort.  It is not for people biologically overwhelmed or resistant to change.  We may recommend one of our other body modalities first to make finding mindfulness and emotional regulation easier.  Then, the skills can be learned with more ease.

For more information, visit:



“Your practice is truly phenomenal. The team environment is incredible and I love how welcoming not just my therapist is, but all of the other team members as well. It feels like a community and I am so incredibly grateful that I was connected to FRG. Thank you all so much. Words cannot even express how thankful I am!” ~ Anonymous Satisfaction Survey Participant

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